The majority of people struggle with distressing thoughts and feelings about their bodies. The big question… why is this?
When I worked in eating disorder treatment it was often discussed as, most people dislike their bodies so we can’t expect a miracle and to change that concept especially with people who are already coming to us with major body image challenges.
What if I want to change that!?
I believe we feel so much distress related to our bodies because we somehow view our bodies as who we are as people- not good enough.
What if we could rewire those thoughts? I hope to do so.
I have created a body image toolkit as a starting point for beginning to understand your distressing body image.
This is by no means a comprehensive guide, however a place to begin with some basic exercises to work on healing your relationship with your body.
This tool kit will address what distressing body image is, the 4 aspects of body image and how body image exists on a spectrum.
There will also be some simple exercises to get you started in healing your body image- likely these maybe things you have seen or done before but they also are some foundational exercises to support your healing.
I refuse to believe we cannot live in a world where we cannot appreciate, care for, love and support our bodies so here’s to changing all that crap!
Grab your toolkit below and let the healing begin!